donderdag 16 december 2021

 I am very exited about this upcoming exhibition in Figure Ground Gallery in Seattle USA !!


More big news! I am excited to announce that the Dutch painter Hanneke Naterop @hannekenaterop will be showing alongside Alicia Ponzio @alicianponzio in our first Two-Woman show opening on January 6th. I just uploaded twelve new works to the website today and pre-sales are open! We are showing some of her smaller pieces, but they are each a universe in themselves, and frequent themes are friendship, (humans or animals) the warm inviting texture of spaces, and the strong female. Love comes through with every stroke. So excited. This is also our second international invite to an artist. (Actually - and this is mere coincidence - both of these amazing artists reached out to the gallery to express their interest in being involved.) #figurativeart #dutchart #dutchartist #seattleartpost
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 Nu te zien bij Galerie Schippers Kazernestraat 114A, 2514 CW Den Haag